Global Information and Social Resource Foundation


Projects in Progress

Currently we are implementing the following programmes;

1. Children social welfare support programme, under which we are carrying out the project referred to as children education sponsorship project, whose main aim is to impact children with quality education as a pre-requisite to their future professionalism in their areas of academic interest.

2. Sexual and reproductive health education programme, under which we are implementing sexual and reproductive health education project “including menstrual hygiene management” whose main objective is to create awareness on sexual reproductive health and menstrual hygiene health problems which has increased many cases of sexual transmitted infections (STIs) and STDs, infertility in young women and other; female chronic sexual reproductive organs diseases like candidiasis, syphilis, endometritis etc. and help them find solution (treatment) to those diseases.

3.Poverty alleviation programme, under which we are implementing Productive and Technical Skills Training Project, whose main objective is to impact the youth (school dropouts) and young women with productive and technical skills to enable them start up income generating activities and access employment opportunities hence reduce redundancy of individuals and poverty in the communities and live a productive and prosperous life.

Community Empowerment through Developmental

Project Initiatives.

Social economic development

Global Information and Social Resource Foundation invests most of its resources and time in maintaining the rural community populations social wellbeing with the aim of achieving the highest possible level of human development through;

  • Community based programme/project initiatives
  • Environmental protection and conservation training, 
  • Social inequality improvement and social resource provision 
  • Transparent and accountable leadership for the benefit of socio-economically marginalized rural communities and our society at large.

Youth and women empowerment Youth being energetic age group and women being the source of humanity, they deserve to be taken of importance as far as development is concerned. GISRF take their socio-economic problems of priority for the betterment of our society.

Children’s Social Welfare Support

Global Information and Social Resource Foundation feel concerned when our society looks at the children social welfare problems in isolation, while they are the end to end  means of progress of our society and the world at large. We should note that, these children deserve love, good nutrition, healthcare, security, and a bright future to enable them reach and enjoy the potentials they were born with.

Global Information and Social Resource Foundation finds it important to discuss “as we always do” the future of children with them and help them set realistic, attainable goals and encourage them to identify possible ways around barriers to their goals. 

Children's Art Painting Talents Promotion