Global Information and Social Resource Foundation


Social Economic Development

Social Economic Development

Community’s socio-economic development and, a harmonious co-existence and prosperity is the overall goal of Global Information and Social Resource Foundation (GISRF) after finding out that the high socio-economic marginalization of people “especially” in rural communities is perpetuated by;

              a) Rampancy of ignorance and illiteracy

               b) Unexplained life due gender inequity and social exclusion

               c) Lack of security and freedom of rights

               d) Lack of productive and technical skills

               e) Lack of good nutrition and food security

               f) Lack of regular and good paying jobs

               g) Lack of social security for law income earners

                h) A wide range of internal conflicts and civil wars to mention a few.

It is from this view that the beneficiaries of GISRF programmes are residents in rural communities who are highly victimized by whatever disastrous event comes their way.

Global Information and Social Resource Foundation looks at the majority of people in developing countries” Uganda in particular” to have been denied the right of social inclusion as socio-economic development is concerned, which accelerates and intensifies the effects of poverty “the Human enemy” to an extent that the north-east “like Kotido and Karamoja” and others are experiencing periodic famine due to long draughts and lack of other alternatives. 

Kisoro, Rakai, Kabong, Kalangala, Yumbe and Nakapiripirit rural communities are at the fringes of Uganda’s only social resource services, a situation that obliged our “GISRF team” to volunteer in the fight against poverty and other social evils whose impact is likely to cause more harm to the community populations in question. In short let us join hands in helping these communities sustainably have peace, hope and a better future because poverty is real and indiscriminative!